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Science terms: physics

Level Intermediate

Aims language Writing definitions and descriptions ; asking and answering questions; translating.

Other Memorizing key words.

Demo subject Physics

Topic science terms

Alternative Mathematics

Subjects Vocabulary for any subject

Time 60 minutes

Extras handouts of a text and list of words for each student, a puzzle chart for a pair


What names of Russian Nobel Prize winner in physics do you know?

How is physics important in Akademgorodok?

What are you studying on physics now?

Student-generated word puzzle

Look through the words in the list:

science phenomena body quality physics law technology lecture solution demonstration experiment discovery

Read the text to see how these words are used.

Today physics ranks among the most important sciences studied at school.

Physics operates with extremely simplified representations of natural phenomena, abstract from minor details. As a school subject physics uses characteristics of bodies and their interaction introducing the minimum of necessary qualities. So, in mechanic it is sufficient to present a body as a material point possessing only one physically significant quality – the mass.

It is known, that the fewer limitations are the more generality conclusions possess. Due to exclusive simplicity and generality of limitations accepted in physics its conclusions have become basic for the visual environment. They are called the fundamental laws of physics. Physics is the scientific basis of modern engineering and technologies development.

Nowadays physics sets an example of scientific thinking and is an essential part of education. At physics and mathematics school the obligatory courses contain fundamental knowledge on physics.

Lectures and seminars are delivered by teachers of the SESC and scientists of research institutes of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. www.sbras.ru

In a lecture course students have an opportunity to go through details of physical phenomena, to get illustrations of their generality and force.

In seminars students are given necessary terminology- the language of physical statements. It creates a communication level of dialogue at studying physics. On the other hand seminars are aimed at mastering students’ skills to create a model of the phenomenon and construct an algorithm of a problem solution.

Concepts taught in lectures are better understood when lectures are accompanied with demonstration, hand-on experiments, and questions that require students to consider what will happen in an experiment and why. Students who participate in active learning are able to learn through self discovery. By trial and error they learn to change their preconceptions about phenomena in physics and discover the underlying concepts.

Besides the obligatory courses students can select an optional course on physics to explore in depth specialist fields. They can gain a thorough grounding in many sections of physics, including quantum mechanics, semiconductor physics, colloid physics, etc.

Work in small groups A and B. Get a puzzle (A or B). Write a definition or clue for each of the words in your puzzle. You can use different recourses (e.g. Internet, dictionaries, etc.).

Get into A and B pairs. Do not let your partner see your chart. Take turns to ask your partner for a clue for any of the blanks, for example, please give me the clue for number 5. Then write your answer in your chart. Translate all the words in your chart into your mother tongue.

Teacher’s notes Put the words /science phenomena body quality physics law technology lecture solution demonstration experiment discovery/ in a chart in any order, as below.

1 b o d y
2 s c i e n c e
3 e x p e r i m e n t
4 l a w
5 s o l u t i o n
6 d i s c o v e r y
7 q u a l i t y
8 d e m o n s t r a t i o n
9 p h y s i c s
10 l e c t u r e
11 p h e n o m e n a
12 l e c t u r e

Divide the chart in half horizontally across the middle so that the two halves look like this:

Puzzle A

1 b o d y
2 s c i e n c e
3 e x p e r i m e n t
4 l a w
5 s o l u t i o n
6 d i s c o v e r y

Puzzle B

7 q u a l i t y
8 d e m o n s t r a t i o n
9 p h y s i c s
10 l e c t u r e
11 p h e n o m e n a
12 l e c t u r e

Move-on activities

Make nouns from the verbs and adjectives in 1-7 using these endings:

-ion (-ation) -ist -ment -ity -ation

1. interact

2. develop

3. communicate

4. general

5. simple

6. limit

7. special

Teacher’s notes

the key

1. interaction 2. development 3. communication 4. generality 5. simplicity 6. limitation 7. specialist

Unscramble the words using their definitions.

1.something that happens or exists in society, science, or nature naehnempon

2.deal with something cpeatc

3.extremely important and necessary iseetlans

4.something that must be done gaboylirto

5.serious study of a subject earhcres

6. the technical words or expressions that are used in a particular subject yeorngtmilo

7. think about dnoceirs

8. an act of explaining and showing how to do something enosatitmdonr

Teacher’s notes

the key

1. phenomenon 2. accept 3. essential 4. obligatory 5. research 6. terminology 7. consider 8. demonstration